SME Cloud Sdn Bhd برنامه ها

Chamomile Beauty House 4.0.1
SME Cloud Sdn Bhd
Chamomile Beauty House is an apps developed bySME Cloud Sdn Bhd. Its allow user to know more about the companybackground portfolio and list of clientele. Its also allow ourcustomers to login to their own dashboard to update content, sendpush notifications and view their analytics.
AMJ Teguh Resources 4.0.1
SME Cloud Sdn Bhd
AMJ Teguh Resources is an apps developed bySME Cloud Sdn Bhd. Its allow user to know more about the companybackground portfolio and list of clientele. Its also allow ourcustomers to login to their own dashboard to update content, sendpush notifications and view their analytics.
Simply Solar 4.0.4
SME Cloud Sdn Bhd
Simply Solar is an apps developed by EndauPVEngineering Sdn Bhd. Its allow user to know more about the companysolar projects and list of clientele. Its also allow our customersto login to their own dashboard to update content, send pushnotifications and view their analytics.
MajalahNiaga 1.399
SME Cloud Sdn Bhd
Kami merupakan sebuah laman web yang menjadi rujukan onlineutamabagi para usahawan dan bakal usahawan di Malaysia.Seperti yang sedia maklum, kuasa beli individu-individuyangterlibat di dalam bidang keusahawanan adalah lebihtinggiberbanding golongan yang lain.Jemput baca blog dan download percuma E-Majalah Niaga.
PUNB 1.0.9
SME Cloud Sdn Bhd
LATAR BELAKANGPUNB : "Kejayaan Anda Aspirasi Kami"Perbadanan Usahawan Nasional Berhad (PUNB) adalah badan pembangunanusahawan terunggul di Malaysia.OPERASI PUNBMembangun usahawan Bumiputera dalam perniagaan strategik danberpotensi tinggi selaras dengan Dasar Pembangunan Negara.Melahirkan Masyarakat Perdagangan dan Perindustrian Bumiputera(MPPB) yang dinamik, berdaya tahan dan progresif.Ia menjadi nadi penggerak untuk membangun usahawan Bumiputera tulenyang profesional dan beretika tinggi dimana penglibatan dansumbangan mereka penting kepada pembangunan ekonomi negara.TENTANG KAMIDitubuhkan di bawah Akta Syarikat Malaysia 1965Tarikh penubuhan : 17 Julai 1991Milikan penuh kepada : Yayasan Pelaburan BumiputraModal dibenarkan : RM500 jutaModal berbayar : RM400 jutaOperasi perniagaan PUNB tertumpu kepada penawaran pakej pembangunankeusahawanan bersepadu untuk membantu usahawan Bumiputera dalambidang Peruncitan dan Perusahaan Kecil dan Sederhana (PKS).Pakej-pakej pembangunan ini dirangka untuk membantu usahawanBumiputera memantapkan perniagaan, mengekalkan keuntungan danmembentuk perniagaan mereka ke arah kecemerlangan.Inilah asas kewujudan PUNB.VISI, MISI & OBJEKTIFVisi KamiMenjadi pusat kecemerlangan terulung dalam pembangunankeusahawanan.Misi KamiMenyediakan peluang kepada usahawan Bumiputera mencapai kejayaandalam perniagaan melalui sokongan kewangan dan korporat.Objektif KamiMenambah jumlah dan meningkat kualiti usahawan Bumiputera dalamsektor industri dan komersil.Menggalakkan pembentukan usahawan Bumiputera yang berdaya tahan didalam industri strategik.Menyalurkan budaya keusahawanan di kalangan usahawan Bumiputera danmelengkapkan mereka dengan ilmu pengetahuan dan pengalaman.
DSR 1.404
SME Cloud Sdn Bhd
DSR is a self-made millionaire in business andproperty investment. He has had about 10,000 people attending hisprograms since 2010.He is an expert in property investment and propertystrategy.This app features many of his programs and his group ofcompanies' events. Useful application such as loan calculator isalso included.
JelitaSara 1.403
SME Cloud Sdn Bhd
Tudung Online JelitaSARA merupakan ilhamsepasang sepasang suami isteri iaitu Saudari Pn Erven Sarasendy danSaudara Wan Zaki. Beroperasi secara konsep ‘Small Office HomeOffice’ (SOHO), Tudung Online JelitaSARA telah dilancarkan secaraofficialnya pada 22nd July 2009. Ya, Tudung Online JelitaSARAsememangnya hanya beroperasi secara online 100% dan pada masasekarang telah pun mempunyai 20 ‘Authorized Dealer’ di seluruhMalaysia. Dengan Konsep Butik secara maya, Alhamdulillah…TudungOnline JelitaSARA telah berjaya membuat penghantaran lebih200,000++ helai tudung sejak ia di bangunkan dan semua tudung telahselamat di hantar kepada pelanggannya.JelitaSARA yakin dengan beroperasi secara online, JelitaSARAmampu memberikan ‘value add’ kepada pelanggannya dengan servis yangcepat dalam penghantaran dan juga layanan mesra melalui dalamtalian. Malah, keselesaan pelanggan yang hanya ‘shopping’ secaraonline bersama jelitasara membuatkan JelitaSARA lebih yakin denganpendekatan pemasaran melalui internet dan beroperasi secara online100%.Alhamdulillah.. pada tahun 2012, JelitaSARA telah pun muncul didalam rancangan Nasi Lemak Kopi O (TV9) dan juga telah mula munculdi dalam majalah Nona. Berkat sokongan fans JelitaSARA, InsyaALLAH,JelitaSARA akan lebih maju di dalam menghasilkan tudung tudung yanglebih Ekslusif dan meletakkan status Tudung Online setaraf denganjenama lain di luar sana.Online lid JelitaSARA isinspired pair of husband and wife Mrs. Erven Sarasendy Sister andBrother Wan Zaki. Operate in a 'Small Office Home Office' (SOHO),Scarf Online was launched in officialnya JelitaSARA on 22nd July2009. Yes, Scarf Online JelitaSARA course only operate online 100%and currently already has 20 'Authorized Dealer' in Malaysia. Withthe concept of a virtual boutique, thank God ... Scarf OnlineJelitaSARA has managed the delivery of more than 200,000 + + pieceshijab since it was developed and secure lid sent to customers.JelitaSARA confident with operating online, JelitaSARA able toprovide 'value add' to its customers with fast service in shippingand also through online hospitality. In fact, the only customerconvenience 'shopping' online with jelitasara makes JelitaSARA moreconfident with internet marketing approach through and operateonline 100%.Thank God .. in 2012, JelitaSARA has already appeared on theshow Nasi Lemak Coffee O (TV9) and also started to appear in Ms.magazine. Thanks to the support fans JelitaSARA, God willing, willbe more advanced JelitaSARA in the production of a more exclusivehijab scarf and cap status Online put on par with the other brandsout there.
Yayasan Restu 4.1.4
SME Cloud Sdn Bhd
The Restu Foundation was established in 1988as a non-profit organization under Companies Act 1965. It aims tospread the message of Islam throughout the world, to strengthen thefaith of Muslims and revive the field of Islamic arts.In 1994 Restu Foundation made a history in Malaysia by being thefirst foundation in the country to developed and copy Al-Qur'anmanuscript, something that was never accomplished since the fall ofMalacca 500 years ago.The Restu Foundation has spent more than 1.8 million Ringgit(approximately half a million of US dollars) on research workcovering arts of copying and illuminating Al-Qur'an as well as onMalay culture and Islamic culture worldwide.The Restu Foundation dedicated itself to compile and record thetraditional cultural motifs of the Malays that are clearlyinfluenced by the Islamic culture for every state in Malaysia.
SME Cloud Sdn Bhd
AUTOPRO merupakan ringkasan kepada PersatuanUsahawan Otomotif Prosper Malaysia yang ditubuhkan olehusahawan-usahawan Otomotif PUNB.LATAR BELAKANGPUNB : "Kejayaan Anda Aspirasi Kami"Perbadanan Usahawan Nasional Berhad (PUNB) adalah badan pembangunanusahawan terunggul di Malaysia.OPERASI PUNBMembangun usahawan Bumiputera dalam perniagaan strategik danberpotensi tinggi selaras dengan Dasar Pembangunan Negara.Melahirkan Masyarakat Perdagangan dan Perindustrian Bumiputera(MPPB) yang dinamik, berdaya tahan dan progresif.Ia menjadi nadi penggerak untuk membangun usahawan Bumiputera tulenyang profesional dan beretika tinggi dimana penglibatan dansumbangan mereka penting kepada pembangunan ekonomi negara.TENTANG KAMIDitubuhkan di bawah Akta Syarikat Malaysia 1965Tarikh penubuhan : 17 Julai 1991Milikan penuh kepada : Yayasan Pelaburan BumiputraModal dibenarkan : RM500 jutaModal berbayar : RM400 jutaOperasi perniagaan PUNB tertumpu kepada penawaran pakej pembangunankeusahawanan bersepadu untuk membantu usahawan Bumiputera dalambidang Peruncitan dan Perusahaan Kecil dan Sederhana (PKS).Pakej-pakej pembangunan ini dirangka untuk membantu usahawanBumiputera memantapkan perniagaan, mengekalkan keuntungan danmembentuk perniagaan mereka ke arah kecemerlangan.Inilah asas kewujudan PUNB.VISI, MISI & OBJEKTIFVisi KamiMenjadi pusat kecemerlangan terulung dalam pembangunankeusahawanan.Misi KamiMenyediakan peluang kepada usahawan Bumiputera mencapai kejayaandalam perniagaan melalui sokongan kewangan dan korporat.Objektif KamiMenambah jumlah dan meningkat kualiti usahawan Bumiputera dalamsektor industri dan komersil.Menggalakkan pembentukan usahawan Bumiputera yang berdaya tahan didalam industri strategik.Menyalurkan budaya keusahawanan di kalangan usahawan Bumiputera danmelengkapkan mereka dengan ilmu pengetahuan dan pengalaman. 4.1.8
SME Cloud Sdn Bhd
Aksara Aira Media Sdn Bhd ialah sebuahsyarikat yang lebih menumpukan pada penerbitan naskhah berbentuknovel, puisi, mini novel dan cerpen berbahasa Melayu yangbertemakan cinta, kasih sayang, kemanusiaan, seram, thriller, aksi,islamik dan apa saja yang berkaitan kehidupan-dekat dengan dirikita.
Hilmie's Herbs & Spices 4.1.2
SME Cloud Sdn Bhd
Hilmie's Herbs & Spices adalah pengeluardan pembekal rempah dan herba. Produk 'HOT' kami adalah Hilmie'sBBQ seasoning. Rempah BBQ jenis serbuk yang pertama di Malaysia.Aroma yang membangkitkan deria rasa anda. Rempah yang akanmemberikan keenakan dan kelazatan dalam hidangan anda.
Flormar 1.399
SME Cloud Sdn Bhd
The voice of experience in the world ofBeauty. Flormar.Flormar, born in 1970’s in the city of Milan of Italy, carried allits production to Turkey in 1972’s starting a 40 years ofadventure….By increasing its success which was gained with the nail polish itentered the market; Flormar has become an irrevocable brand inwomen of Turkey’s nail polish choice. Taking its success a stepforward after a short time beginning to operate in Turkey, Flormarstarted to offer its product range from blush to foundation, eyeshadow to mascara, lip stick to nail polish with high quality andbudget prices to its consumers.Flormar presents hundreds of different products to everypleasure and need of its customer’s by a very large sales channel.According to the market researches, Flormar is one of the very wellknown and trusted domestic cosmetic brands. This is a veryimportant proof that Flormar is a rare domestic brand that canreach to a large mass.Flormar in International Market...The high customer satisfaction and market leadership thatFlormar achieved in the domestic market has leaded the company toexpand to the international markets. Therefore Flormar who expandedto the international markets under its own name in 2000 now exportsits products to more than 80 countries in 4 continents.Reaching to the customer with 98 domestic Flormar mono brand storesand more than 200 foreign Flormar mono brand stores, Flormar adds anew one to its brand stores every passing day. Flormar also existsin more than 40.000 stores around the World by its wholesaleschannels. With its prestigious chain stores which are preferredduring cosmetics shopping, promises women of the worldbeauty.The importance of the quality in the process from the production todelivery is the reason of the trust to Flormar in the internationalmarkets. Quality understanding of Flormar is not limited to itsquality control; Flormar tries to understand its consumers by theinvestments on R&D , works to serve them the newest and themost qualified product. The investments that are made in this areamake Flormar one of most preferred brands.Flormar products are produced in Kosan Kozmetik San. Tic. A.Ş.Gebze, TÜRKİYE facilities. Today Flormar is considered one of thestrongest players in the cosmetics sector with its production areasthat are spread to 15.000 and 6000 meter squared land and thecapacity to produce 7 million pieces monthly.
Centre of Maritime Excellent 4.0.1
SME Cloud Sdn Bhd
Centre of Maritime Excellent is an appsdeveloped by SME Cloud Sdn Bhd. Its allow user to know more aboutthe company background portfolio and list of clientele. Its alsoallow our customers to login to their own dashboard to updatecontent, send push notifications and view their analytics.
PDTHL 4.0.1
SME Cloud Sdn Bhd
MOBILE APPS RASMI PEJABAT DAERAH TANAH HULULANGATObjektif Pejabat DaerahTanah Hulu Langat adalah untuk:1. Memberi perkhidmatan yang berkualiti kepada pelanggan dalamurusan pentadbiran daerah, pentadbiran tanah dan pembangunanmasyarakat.2. Menjadi penyelaras dan penghubung antara kerajaan dan rakyatserta mewujudkan perhubungan yang baik di antara jabatan-jabatankerajaan negeri dan persekutuan di peringkat daerah.FUNGSI PEJABAT DAERAHTANAH HULU LANGAT1. Mentadbir pentadbiran daerah ke arah kesejahteraan rakyat.2. Mengurus pentadbiran tanah termasuk kutipan hasil dan cukaitanah3. Menguatkuasakan undang-undang dan peraturan tanah.4. Mengurus pelaksanaan pembangunan daerah.
Arrymitz Enterprise 4.0.1
SME Cloud Sdn Bhd
Arrymitz Enterprise is an apps developed bySME Cloud Sdn Bhd. Its allow user to know more about the companybackground portfolio and list of clientele. Its also allow ourcustomers to login to their own dashboard to update content, sendpush notifications and view their analytics.
Shuzee Enterprise 4.0.1
SME Cloud Sdn Bhd
Shuzee Enterprise is an apps developed by SMECloud Sdn Bhd. Its allow user to know more about the companybackground portfolio and list of clientele. Its also allow ourcustomers to login to their own dashboard to update content, sendpush notifications and view their analytics.
Pelaburan Silver 1.399
SME Cloud Sdn Bhd
Potensi harga perak naik 915% dari harga 2013?Rebut peluang untuk membuat simpanan dan pelaburan yang bakalmeroket tak lama lagi.Baca tips dan panduan pelaburan perak (silver) di Malaysia dalamapps ini.Koleksi tips ini akan membantu anda untuk memulakan pelaburanperak dengan cara mudah, selamat dan menguntungkan.Tips di dalam bentuk video, blog, post facebook dan panduanlengkap di bawa kepada anda oleh Perunding BEBAS Pelaburan Perak:Ikram Adi bin Dato’ Ahmad Tajuddin.Potential silver pricesrose 915% from the price of 2013?Grab the opportunity to make savings and investment willskyrocket soon.Read tips and guide investments silver (silver) in Malaysia inthese apps.Collection of these tips will help you to start investing silverin a simple, safe and profitable.Tips in the form of videos, blogs, facebook posts and completeguide brought to you by Independent Consultant Investment Silver:Ikram Adi bin Dato 'Ahmad Tajuddin.
Visit KL 1.406
SME Cloud Sdn Bhd
This mobile apps was created and is managed byKuala Lumpur City Hall. It is a one-stop information portal thatallows travelers to plan and prepare for their trip to KualaLumpur. From hotel stays to the best of what to eat, this websiteoffers an abundance of travel information that will ensure thatyour trip to KL is a fascinating and memorable one.There are also links to recommended websites where you can makedirect bookings with a whole host of service providers. Theseservice providers will include tour operators, travel services,accommodations and even venues and attractions. So not only can youmake your travel and stay arrangements, you can also book ticketsand make arrangements for your activities when in KL.Other than this website, you'll also have a variety of assistanceand access to information when in KL. Kuala Lumpur City Hall hasproduced a number of publications that include directories, streetmaps and brochures that are made available for free at many publicplaces. Another initiative by Kuala Lumpur City Hall is the KLIK(or KL Information Kiosk) that are located around the busiest andmost popular tourist destinations within the city.
Closet Heart 4.0.2
SME Cloud Sdn Bhd
Closet heart is an apps developed by SME CloudSdn Bhd. Its allow user to know more about the company backgroundportfolio and list of clientele. Its also allow our customers tologin to their own dashboard to update content, send pushnotifications and view their analytics.
GMC Travel & Tours Sdn Bhd 4.1.3
SME Cloud Sdn Bhd
GMC Travel is an apps developed by SME CloudSdn Bhd. Its allow user to know more about the company backgroundportfolio and list of clientele. Its also allow our customers tologin to their own dashboard to update content, send pushnotifications and view their analytics.
Technology Park Malaysia 1.399
SME Cloud Sdn Bhd
TPM will enhance its role as a provider ofadvanced infrastructure with the provision of expert and specialistsupport services that are designed to catalyse the development ofknowledge based economy. Processes and initiatives will bedeveloped to continuously energise and nurture knowledge basedenterprises, facilitate research & development, innovation andcommercialization while encouraging and facilitating smartpartnerships between the public and private sectors, and establishstrategic business and technology linkages between the researchinstitutions, academia, financial community and industry both inthe domestic and international realm.A strong foundation of results producing initiatives isinstrumental in providing a strong launch pad from which thistransformation of TPM will take place. TPM is now into its 4thGeneration Incubation Model which has seen it grow from a spaceleasor and facilities provider capacity to include the provision ofspecialised and advisory in its comprehensive and integratedtechnopreneurship programme. 4.0.3
SME Cloud Sdn Bhd menyediakan perkhidmatan percumapenghantaran & pemasangan bateri kereta di Lembah Klang. Baterijenama Century, GP, Bosch, Yokohama, ASTRA pada harga paling murahdi pasaran. Kini, anda tidak lagi perlu membuang masa, wang dantenaga untuk menukar bateri kereta anda di wokshop
TPM IVM 4.0.1
SME Cloud Sdn Bhd
Incubator Virtualisation ModelIncubator Virtualisation Model (IVM) is a Business ModelforStrategic Collaborationon Virtual Services that allow technopreneurs to garner theadviceof an incubatorwithout actually being located at the incubator's premise.IVM provides tremendous access to opportunities and aconduciveecosystem fortechnopreneurs and the advanced technology industry value chaintoleverage onquality partners, resources, strategic services and offerings asacatalyst forgrowth and sustainability.
Wasiyyah Shoppe 4.0.4
SME Cloud Sdn Bhd
Di atas kapasiti pengurusan hartapusaka,Wasiyyah Shoppe Sdn Bhd ialah satu-satunya syarikat milikpenuhorang Islam di Malaysia. Ia ditubuhkan dengan objektifpenubuhanseperti berikut :OBJEKTIF KORPORAT1. Berdakwah kepada masyarakat Islam menegakkan SunnahRasulullahSAW melalui instrumen perancangan dan pengurusan hartapusaka secaraSyariah.2. Mewujudkan satu platform bagi umat Islam merancangdanmengurus harta pusaka mereka secara efektif dan cekapmelaluikaedah Syariah sepenuhnya.3. Mendaulatkan kaedah perancangan harta pusaka Syariahdenganpenggunaan maksima instrumen-instrumen Syariah sepertiDokumenHibah, Dokumen Wasiat Islam, Dokumen Harta Sepencarian,DokumenAmanah dan Dokumen Waqaf.4. Memelihara keharmonian dan kerukunan institusikekeluargaandengan penekanan kepada perhubungan silaturrahim warisselepaskematian pelanggan.5. Meringankan beban waris dengan membantu mereka melaluiprosestuntutan harta pusaka dengan cepat dan pada kos yangpalingminima.6. Mewujudkan satu peluang keusahawanan baru yang inovatifdanmampu memberikan pendapatan lumayan kepada penggeraknya.
Gedung Kasih Marisa 4.1.1
SME Cloud Sdn Bhd
Gedung Kasih Marisa is an apps developed bySMECloud Sdn Bhd. Its allow user to know more about thecompanybackground portfolio and list of clientele. Its also allowourcustomers to login to their own dashboard to update content,sendpush notifications and view their analytics.
FeminaTV 4.5.0
SME Cloud Sdn Bhd
Femina Channel is a family channelspeciallytailored for the female community in Malaysia and theworld over.The channel aims to provide TV programs catering tofemale viewersfrom young adults to mature audiences.The scheduled programmes will be focusing on themed TVshowswhich includes documentaries, movies, dramas, and realityprograms.Femina Channel will contain local and internationalfashion news,lifestyle, cooking, shopping, gossip, culture, reallife stories,motherhood and many more.Femina Channel is available on Web TV on October 2012 andcomingsoon to cable & satellite broadcast services.
I-Green (M) Sdn Bhd 4.0.1
SME Cloud Sdn Bhd
I-Green(M) Sdn Bhd is an apps developed bySMECloud Sdn Bhd. Its allow user to know more about thecompanybackground portfolio and list of clientele. Its also allowourcustomers to login to their own dashboard to update content,sendpush notifications and view their analytics.
Kurung Anggun 1.399
SME Cloud Sdn Bhd
Kepakaran kami adalah membantuwanitamendapatkan baju kurung mengikut saiz badan danukuran yang dikehendaki secara online.Kami menyediakan perkhidmatan membeli, menjahit danmenghantarbaju kurung yang ditempahdalam masa 10 hari sahaja.Perkhidmatan dropship juga disediakan bagi sesiapayangberminat
StreaMyxUnifi 1.399
SME Cloud Sdn Bhd
Kepakaran kami membantu mereka yanginginmendaftar Jalur Lebar Terbaik di Malaysia iaitudan hanya di hujung jari anda.Pendaftaran adalah PERCUMA.HANYA SMS @ WhatsApp APP STX ke 0199334044 (UntukDaftarStreamyx)atau APP UNIFI ke 01993304044 (Untuk Daftar Unifi)Atau terus ke FB Fan Page kami : akan hubungi anda untuk pilihan pakej &prosesseterusnya.
Koleksi Nurr 1.399
SME Cloud Sdn Bhd
Pelbagai pilihan menarik ,tudung,bajukurungdan kain pasang.Esklusif dan tekini. Sesuai untuksemua peringkat umur.PASTIKAN PENAMPILAN ANGGUN SENTIASA
AdwaQaseh 1.399
SME Cloud Sdn Bhd
ADWA Qaseh menjual busana muslimah sepertibajukurung moden, jubah, blouse, t-shirt muslimah, kebaya,kain.pasang sutera bunga sulam timbul dan lain2..Kamimenawarkanbarangan berkualiti dan sangat berpatutan.Kami menawarkan barangan berkualiti dengan berpatutan dankamiikhlas untuk cuba memberikan perkhidmatan yangterbaik demi kepuasan pengguna..Semoga anda semua berpuas hati dengan kualiti, harga danservisyang kami berikan..Segala sokongan dan kerjasama daripada anda semua kamidahuluidengan jutaan terima kasih..Kami amatmenghargai setiap pelanggan kami.
Emanent 1.399
SME Cloud Sdn Bhd
Eman Muslim beroperasi secarakonsep‘home-based’ melalui perniagaan ‘online’ dan ‘offline’. EmanMuslimmemiliki ajen jualan yang dilantik untuk kedua-dua kaedahjualan.Namun Eman Muslim sangat yakin dengan jualan secara‘online’, EmanMuslim dapat menyampaikan khidmat kepada lebih ramaipenggemar kainpasang dan baju kurung cotton jenama Eman Muslim.Eman Muslim amatmengutamakan keselesaan dan kepuasan pelanggan,makanya ApplikasiPerniagaan ini dianggap medium paling sesuai untukmemenangi hatipelanggan Eman Muslim yang sangat dihargai, jugamenggamitpeminat-peminat baru mendekati Eman Muslim. Keselesaan dankepuasananda keutamaan kami.
Inspirasi Muslimah 4.0.1
SME Cloud Sdn Bhd
Inspirasi Muslimah is an apps developed bySMECloud Sdn Bhd. Its allow user to know more about thecompanybackground portfolio and list of clientele. Its also allowourcustomers to login to their own dashboard to update content,sendpush notifications and view their analytics.
Myshopping Mall 1.399
SME Cloud Sdn Bhd
Berita Gembira kepada kaki2 shoppinghariini!!!..... !!!Ingin mencari butik fesyen yg banyak pilihan, fesyenterkini,berjenama, berkualiti & sentiasamemberikan tawaran promosi hebat2?Jom singgah dan sertai kami>> Terdapat lebih dari 400 jenis produk fesyen>> Produk up to date setiap 45 hari>> Produk berjenama & Jaminan kualiti diberikanselama30 hari>> Diskaun Tetap 20% & Diskaun hingga 80% setiap2bulan sekali (khas Utk rakan2 kelab butik).>> Banyak hadiah2 utk direbut>> Duta khas kami ialah fafau Hot fm>> Jana keuntungan sehingga 4 angka dgn jadiagenDropship
AQ Advertising 1.399
SME Cloud Sdn Bhd
We cater printing and design servicesinSeremban 2. Banner, bunting, business card, ‘kad kahwin’,shirtwith design, pamphlet, bill book, glass/mug printing; allaboutprinting! We provide corporate design too.We will give u the best fine art design
Mudah Payroll 1.400
SME Cloud Sdn Bhd
MudahPayroll, satu applikasi bagi‘payrolloutsourcing’ di Malaysia yang memudahkan majikanuntuk menguruskan gaji pekerja di mana-mana sahaja. Aplikasiinijuga membantu pekerja untukmenyemak gaji dan caruman KWSP dan PERKESO bila-bila masa dimanajua.
Ebiz Solution 1.399
SME Cloud Sdn Bhd
CATUABA Supplement Kesihatan Lelaki 100%Asli,Halal & KKM Lulus. Call, SMS, Whatsapp 016-889 4268
AutoGlym 1.399
SME Cloud Sdn Bhd
We are the official sole distributorforAutoglym car care products. We carry the full retail rangeofAutoglym products for distribution in Malaysia.Company OverviewCO5 Distribution Sdn Bhd (CO5) is the sole distributor inMalaysiafor Autoglym Auto Care Products. Autoglym Malaysia carrypremiumproducts that restores, renovate & refresh the interiorandexterior of all types of consumer vehicles includingmotorcycles.CO5 is a limited partnership with its main businesslocated inDamansara Perdana, Selangor Autoglym brand and productshave beenthe trusted choice amongst detailers & enthusiastsince 1965.The brand warrants respect and assurance of quality.Such strength& quality is the simple reason why the product wasthe choicefor many and most importantly, the royal family.Autoglym have been working tirelessly with car manufacturersandracing teams to provide the best possible car care products andtodevelop quality solutions to consumers now and for thefuture.Autoglym products are to be found in all areas ofautomotiveactivity and are as equally suited to the professionaluser, theenthusiast and the family car owner. Autoglym enjoystechnicalapprovals from many leading automotive manufacturers andcloseassociations with owners’ car clubs. The company alsomaintains avery high public profile and attends many automotiverelatedevents.HeritageAutoglym is based in Letchworth, UK and employs over 100personnelwith product distribution to over forty countries.The company was founded in 1965 by a UK Motor Tradeentrepreneurwho developed a unique system for renovating used carpaintwork.Today the name is synonymous with high quality car careand vehiclevaleting products around the world.Endorsed by Leading Motor ManufacturersMore than twenty motor manufacturers use Autoglym productsinmanufacturing or presentation processes. Early recognitionandtechnical approvals by Jaguar Cars, Aston Martin,Mercedes-Benz,Volkswagen and other important names contributed toinitialsuccess.The company currently holds international approvals from overfortycar marques with many leading car manufacturers andimporterschoosing Autoglym products for on-line production work,main-dealeruse and motor show preparation.Quality FirstContinuous investment in research and innovation ensuresAutoglymproducts are matched to the latest advances invehiclemanufacture.An integrated system of trade and retail products, unrivalledinease of use, performance and value, are manufacturedtointernational quality and environmental standards ISO9001andISO14001.In addition, close liaison with auto paintmanufacturers,distribution networks for new and used vehicles, bodyshops, fleetoperators and retailers ensures that Autoglym remainsat theforefront in all sectors of the industryWorldwide Distribution & TrainingProducts are distributed via an international network ofindependentdistributors with sales staff receiving in-depthproduct training atAutoglym Valeting Training Schools. Thesefacilities are also usedextensively by valeters and vehiclerefinishers, and provide expertadvice in the event of queries orproblems arising anywhere in theworld.The FutureAutoglym maintains a clear-sighted commitment to supplytechnicallysuperior products to all sectors of the automotiveindustry. Thison-going focus has been rewarded with aninternational reputationfor products that cannot be surpassed inperformance or value.Car owners are as individualistic as the vehicles they drive.Forsome owners, cars are their passion and they would not dreamofbeing seen in a less than pristine vehicle. Others may just wanttomaintain their vehicles in reasonable condition without toomucheffort. When you consider that a car is often the secondlargestinvestment, next to a home, the significance of goodmaintenance isnot surprising.
Moon Couture 1.399
SME Cloud Sdn Bhd
Moon Couture dimiliki oleh seorangusahawanwanita dari Kelantan dan beroperasi secara online sejak2008.Kamimembantu wanita muslimah yang ingin berpakaian menarik,menawan dancantik tetapi tetap sopan dengan pilihan pakaianmuslimah yangsentiasa up to date dan harga yang sangatberpatutan.Kebanyakanpelanggan kami adalah dari Malaysia,Indonesia,Singapura dan jugaUSA.Menyediakan peluang perniagaan bagi yangberminat menjadiDistributor Negeri atau Stokis. Bagi yangkekurangan modal tetapiminat untuk berniaga,bolehla menyertaisistem dropship sebagaireseller.Bantuan/pertanyaan bolehlamenghantar email
Rykarl 1.401
SME Cloud Sdn Bhd
Nama: Rykarl IskandarUmur: 7 tahun (2012)Keluarga: Anak sulung dari 3 beradikSekolah: Sekolah Rendah Islam Seri Pintar Al-Amin,BandarSunwaySubjek kegemaran: Bahasa MelayuCita-cita: Produser filemBiographyTELEMOVIE:2010- Taubat Nasuha, Tunjang Saadah,2011-Kerana Lidahnya, Lepaskan Aku Pergi, Lara Hati Ibu,SetengahDozen,Sirosa, Hijab Kekasih,2012-Bertaut Kasih, Cikgu Timah Tukar Sekolah, Mama BukanPapa,Fajar Syawal, Bila Rumah Jadi Mahkamah,Antara Dua Deru,NerakaAbah,Jubah Putih Kain Kapan, Strawberry da KaripapDRAMA:2010- Lembing dan Layang,2011-Alauddin, Begitukah Cinta, Dahlan Steady, Keluarga Adab,PesonaKasih, Geng Mengaji, Peah Gosip, Elly & Epit,2012-Kasih Emelda, Jangan Ambil Padang Kami, SuperSmash,SaifulNitaTVC:2010-ABBOT GAIN PLUS,2011-ABBOT GAIN PLUS,SUNQUICK, DARLIE,2012-DARLIE, MAMEE, Dutch Lady, Astro On The GoFILEM:2012- Ajiboy, Kisah Paling Gangster,BalistikTV SHOW:2012- Hari Raya untuk Kita Aje..SONG:2012- Masa Untuk Bersinar feat with Fina
RTS Beauty Palace 4.0.1
SME Cloud Sdn Bhd
RTS Beauty Palace is an apps developed bySMECloud Sdn Bhd. Its allow user to know more about thecompanybackground portfolio and list of clientele. Its also allowourcustomers to login to their own dashboard to update content,sendpush notifications and view their analytics.
HomeStayLedang 1.399
SME Cloud Sdn Bhd
Rumah penginapan / Homestay di Ledang,JohorUntuk Disewa !! "Kemudahan Asas Yang Kami Sediakan Untuk Anda!RM120/hari Sahaja! Untuk Majlis Perkahwinan, Konvo, MembeliBelah,dan lain-lain.Kami jamin anda pasti puas hati dengan layanandanlokasi kami.The inn / HomestayinLedang, Johor For Rent!! "Facilities We Provide To You!RM120/hariOnly! For Wedding Ceremony, Konvo, Shopping, and otherlain.Kamidefinitely guarantee you are satisfied with our servicesandlocations.
Saraya Zahret 1.399
SME Cloud Sdn Bhd
Seleksi Kontemporari , Pilihan setiapharidengan Mix dan Match gaya Zahret.‘Stand Out’ di mana mana dengan pelbagai rekaan SarayaZahretHijab, skirt dan top yang elegan.Gaya shawl terkini dan styling Mix n Match Tips di dalambentukvideo, facebook dan panduanlengkap di bawa istimewa untuk jelitawan fesyenista semuaEveryday Zahret. Because your’re special
VIA Networks 4.1.2
SME Cloud Sdn Bhd
VIA Networks is an apps developed by SMECloudSdn Bhd. Its allow user to know more about the companybackgroundportfolio and list of clientele. Its also allow ourcustomers tologin to their own dashboard to update content, sendpushnotifications and view their analytics.
Raw Kecantikan Andaman 4.0.1
SME Cloud Sdn Bhd
Rawatan Kecantikan Dan Andaman Sal is anappsdeveloped by SME Cloud Sdn Bhd. Its allow user to know moreaboutthe company background portfolio and list of clientele. Itsalsoallow our customers to login to their own dashboard toupdatecontent, send push notifications and view theiranalytics.
One Stop Centre 1.399
SME Cloud Sdn Bhd
MBM One Stop Center is a one stopdirectorylisting for Malaysians to get inform each time there arepromotionsand discounts from various merchants.This directory will have many directories and all famousonlinedirectories will be listed here.Get the best info and quality products from the merchants.Havingall the info in a mobile will make your shopping more funandeasier!Download this app now.
Biskut Raya 1.399
SME Cloud Sdn Bhd
BiskutRaya2udotmy Penubuhan biskutraya2u dotmydimulai secara santai-santai dengan jualan padakenalan-kenalan terdekat dan rapat. Permulaan nya Kuih Raya(KR)hanyalah mengunakan medium facebook,alhamdulillah kini tahun 2013 sudah memiliki websitesecararasminya ( Pihak kamiberasa berbangga dan berterima kasih padasemuapenyokong-penyokong kami iaitu pelanggan setia yangsering memberi galakan untuk kami menyumbangkan khidmat padaandasemua.Berkat doa dan tekat usaha kini perniagaan keluarga kamimakinberkembang maju. Perniagaan keluargaini hanya bermula dari dapur rumah. dan kini berpindahberoperasike ruang yg lebih luas dan selesa. Ataspermintaan yang kian bertambah.Matlamat penghasilan perniagaan Kuih Raya ini bagi memberiyangterbaik buat pelanggan kuih raya kami.Dengan menyediakan kuih raya yang sedap dan berkualitidisampingtahan lama. Tentu sekali bahan-bahanyang digunakan HALAL dan patuh syariah. Moga keberkatan ituhadirdalam melaksanakan ibadah fardhukifayah untuk ummah.VISI kami untuk memasarkan produk Kuih Raya bukansahajadiperingkat dalam negara Malaysia khususnya.Tetapi moga dapat juga memasuki pasaran globalaiituantarabangsa. Dalam menyediakan khidmat makanantradisionalkepersada dunia. Amin
Lavender Boutique 1.399
SME Cloud Sdn Bhd
We in Lovely Lavender Boutique serveyouadorable and the latest fashion that suits your style! Justpick up an item because we provide a wide range of attireforLadies and Children. Fashion advisoris available and it is for free just for the need of ourbelovedcustomers. Customer’s satisfaction isour prime goal because we really want to see your happyfaceswhen shopping with us. Find us onfacebook: Lovely Lavender Boutique.
EHPS 1.399
SME Cloud Sdn Bhd
Eida Hasan Pretty Shop diasaskan olehpasangansuami isteri iaitu En. Burhanuddin dan Pn. EidaHasan. Beroperasi secara Kedai Online melalui laman fbdengankonsep ‘Small Office Home Office’(SOHO). Produk-produk yang ditawarkan adalahpenjagaankecantikan, kesihatan, pakaian danminuman. Didaftarkan secara rasminya semenjak 23 Ogos 2011.Kepakaran kami adalah mentransformasikan kehidupan setiapwanitamenjadi lebih bermaknadengan menyediakan keperluan dan khidmat nasihat agarkekalCantik, Anggun dan Sihat melalui 3cara iaitu Cuba, Nilai & Kongsi menjadikan hidup andaLuarBiasa Habis!!!Kami adalah pengeluar bagi rangkaian produk bumiputeramuslimNo.1 berjenama SuperRich,SkinRich & SlymRich. Pengilangan produk mendapatsijilkelulusan Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia,halal JAKIM, barangan buatan Malaysia, Muslim Product,GoodManufacturing Practice & perakuanjenama 1 Malaysia Best. Alhamdulillah semua produk keluarankamimendapat sambutan yang luar biasa dan telah disiarkan dimajalahMingguan Wanita. Kini kami mempunyai lebih 200 pengedardiseluruh Malaysia dan Singapura.
Urban Explorer 4.0.2
SME Cloud Sdn Bhd
Urban Explorer is an apps developed bySMECloud Sdn Bhd. Its allow user to know more about thecompanybackground portfolio and list of clientele. Its also allowourcustomers to login to their own dashboard to update content,sendpush notifications and view their analytics.